October 16th, 2009 by Hotel Fashionland received Comments OffA family that “whores” together stays together! Speculation was mounting yesterday that the story of six-year-old American boy Falcon Heene who was feared to have floated away on a home-made weather balloon was really a hoax organized by his family to gain publicity. Shocking? Hardly. The unfolding drama was broadcast live on television with millions glued to the news as the balloon floated for 50 miles before it came to rest in a field, where several paramedics and rescue teams pounced on the craft. Falcon however was found not to be inside the balloon and, two hours later, he was discovered safe and well hiding the garage of his home. During a subsequent CNN interview with the family, Falcon was asked by his father Richard why he did not come out of the attic despite his parents repeatedly calling his name. Falcon appears to answer: “You guys said that … we did this for the show”. Kids say the darndest things don’t they? Keep your eyes on Fal”con” you have not seen the last of this kid. TRUST!
Posted under: Fashion