March 4th, 2009 by Hotel Fashionland received 6 Comments »MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL…Â WHO’S THE FAIREST JOLIE OF ALL?
Tags: Angelina Jolie, ANNA WINTOUR, Armani, Aubrey O'Day, BEYONCE, BRITNEY SPEARS, Country, David Beckham, DOLCE & GABBANA, Duffy, Firda Pinto, Jonas Brothers, KANYE WEST, Kate Hudson, Lapo Elkahn, Lindsay Lohan, MADONNA, MARK RONSON, MICHAEL JACKSON, MILAN, Models, Music, Naomi Watts, Orlando Bloom, Pamela Anderson, PARIS, RICHIE RICH, SALINA GOMEZ, Scarlett Johansson, SESSILEE LOPEZ, Sienna Miller, TAZ ARNOLD, Tenessee Thomas, VERSACE, VICTORIA BECKHAM, Videos, VIVIAN WESTWOOD, Vogue, WHITNEY PORT, ZAC POSEN
Posted under: Angelina Jolie, Celebrity, Fashion, SALINA GOMEZ
love jolie… imagine 1 NIGHT with a blonde and brunette AJ!!!!!!!! We could be HEROZ jes for 1 day!
there should be a national wear a wig day. people would really wig out!
i’ve got a wig for you silly boy!
bilson should give that wig to her BF. bet he’d love it from what i’ve “heard”
This is soo major fun..ROCK N’ ROLL THE 80′S
wouldn’t hurt AJ to smile once.