July 17th, 2009 by Hotel Fashionland received Comments Off
M.A.C. cosmetics hosts PRIVATE ARTISTS’ studio tour in celebration of latest makeup collaboration was held in 3 separate spaces. Traveling from Marilyn Minter’s Shiny Glossy studio to Maira Kalman’s deceptively spare Greenwich Village apartment and finally the studio where Richard Phillips paints, in one night easily could have been a logistical nightmare considering there were hundreds of guests to ferry around but it worked as smooth as silk!
The Creative marketing director at M.A.C. is, after all, a progressively aggressive genius… marrying cutting edge artists reflecting their own personal art forms to the M.A.C. products. It’s like let’s just fast forward and speed advertising our products up up up and away! Ed Westwick and Jessica Sczhor together. Zoe Kravitz and and interior designer Gareth Pugh… close. Guess who has a tatoo that reads I HEART ROMANCE?
Posted under: Fashion