New Leading Men

December 20th, 2010 by HFL Staff received Comments Off

James Franco.  Joseph Gorden Levit.  Jesse Eisenberg.  Would any A-list Agent in Hollywood have bet on any one of these dudes to take push Brad, Tom, Sean or even Johnny out of the way?  Maybe not, but these fellas are here to stay!  Most will remember Franco as Peter Parker’s angst ridden pal in Spiderman.

Although his performance, at 24, was formidable, Franco wasn’t fully recognized as a serious actor until his jaw dropping turn as Sean Pean’s lover Scott Smith in Milk. By then it was clear that James was not just another face – Franco here to stay.  And his performance as Allen Ginsberg in 2010′s Howl has proven that James is much more than just a great supporting character actor.  With his cool sense of style, charm and fiery spunk, this guy can really mix it up.

Most either know him as that special kind of complex thief who can walk upside down (Inception) or in 500 Days of Summer dancing through the park with cartoon animated butterflies to the tune of Darryl Hall and John Oats.

But Joseph Gordon Levitt made his own dream come true by sticking to those things he knows and does best: sensitive, sincere, sweet.  Perhaps the most consistently best actor of his generation, Levitt rose from child actor in the Juror to penetrating looks of teen complexity in Greg Araki’s Mysterious Skin, and the Sundance hit The Lookout. Levitt’s rise to stardom has been steady and his classic Cary Grant charm & demeanor has helped put the style back in v-neck and ties.

Did someone say sensitive?  Yes, there’s a common through-line here and with his textured performance in David Fincher’s The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg proves that he’s not just another indie-face from the festival circuit.

“I don’t like to watch the movies I’ve been in when they first come out because to me it’s only disappointing, even if the movies are great,”. “I’ve gotten to be in some great movies, but I feel personally disappointed with myself, so I like to wait until the initial attention dies down and it’s a little more comfortable to watch them.”  Atta’boy Jesse – tell us how you feel!

Posted under: Fashion

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