October 6th, 2009 by Hotel Fashionland received Comments OffIt was a hard days night for the ”paps”. More than once I heard” The word of the day is SLUT!..” They were referring to the stress of covering the DAVID LETTERMAN SHOW with added vigilance in hopes of catching a former ”intern” lover showing up to back up or confront DAVE… and the equally annoying pressure of trying to catch KATE GOSSELIN who was being interviewed at THE EMPIRE HOTEL by BARBARA WALTERS while still covering legitimate assignments like the premiere of AN EDUCATION at the PARIS THEATER. I WAS MORE THAN SATISFIED WITH THAT…THE BUZZ was CAREY MULLIGAN! and her priceless PRADA dress. Also attending: MAGGIE GLYLENHALL (in PRADA) and husband PETER SARSGAARD, ALFRED MOLINA and DOMINIC COOPER (who confessed to me his handsome Calvin Klein suit was itchy around the thighs prompting me to suggest ”Maybe it’s just anticipation!”).