The Imitation of KANYE
March 12th, 2013 by Hotel Fashionland received Comments OffWe all saw or heard (at this point) about the now infamous episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, where Kanye cleaned out Kim’s closet and changed her entire wardrobe. It also appears that Kim’s entire clan seems to be Keeping up with Kanye and that includes his unique way of dressing. En Noir leather pants, Balmain, Balenciaga, Jordan 1′s, etc, etc. Imitation they say is the sincerest form of flattery but this is just plain loco. Note to Rob and Scott….get your own looks dude and take Kanye’s nuts out of your mouths. Good GOD! (Above: Scott Disick)
Tags: Kayne West, Rob Kardashian, Scott Disick
Posted under: Celebrity, Designers, Fashion, Hotel Fashionland