April 29th, 2009 by Hotel Fashionland received Comments Off

Paz De La Huerta starts out with a major advantage… she has that pale soft flesh ”in the flesh” permanently 13 yr.old ”look” so when she runs around, smoking and near naked it can be a little disconcerting. Jim JARMUSCH is an edgy DIRECTOR /WRITER who has her totally unfettered by clothing in his new movie THE LIMITS OF CONTROL.  THE CAST IS AHH…SHALL WE SAY ECLECTIC… mixing it up with GAEL GARCIA BERNAL, JOHN HURT, jim’s muse DSAAC DE BANKOLE, BILL MURRAY (SAY WHO?) HOW DID HE FIGURE IN THIS EQUATION AND THE MAGNIFICENT Antideluvian Goddess TILDA SWINTON…LET’S FACE IT TILDA DOES NOT LOOK LIKE ANYONE ELSE inhabiting  THIS EARTH at this hour and she found a mad jester designer who could dress her properly last night at the premiere… GIANBATTISTA VALLI.  GOD BLESS HIM!




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