March 21st, 2009 by Hotel Fashionland received Comments OffObama is a Fashionland All Star and not just because he is always impeccably dressed and is in such good shape that when he sits down he does not even have to unbutton his jacket. No, Obama also understands how to use the media to his advantage. What better way to reach the masses than through Hollywood???
Obama’s approach is nothing short of genius. Nothing against serious “journalistic outlets” but this is 2009 and why not use new and creative approaches to making the American public more at ease with an economic strategy? Trust me even John Maynard Keynes would have loved to use Hollywood to advance his economic theory had that been an option in his day. And as it turns out Team Obama knew exactly what they was doing. Thursday’s much-anticipated appearance by President Barrack Obama on The Tonight Show scored big overnight ratings among metered-market households. The NBC yakfest attracted a whopping 11.2 rating/26 share — Jay Leno’s best overnight performance since Jan. 24, 2005 according to AP.
Now that is what we call media savvy.
Posted under: Fashion