Whitney Ports Fashion Disaster

March 11th, 2010 by HFL Staff received Comments Off

Whitney Eve, Whitney Ports clothing line mentored by Kelly Cutrone, was showcased last night in Miami in a group show for GenArt’s Fresh Faces. “Celebrity” fashion lines (as you know) can often be a mixed bag (and if you don’t believe us ask Tim Gunn) but we approached this show with a very open mind. I mean who does not love The City right? But once the Whitney Eve “fashions” started to come down the runway we lost our sense of humor and fast.

This show was simply tacky. When you can’t get clothes to look good on paid models you know you have a very serious problem! D-List reality stars need….I dunno….. to maybe pass a clothing design course (or two) before being allowed to have fashion lines. And when the “designer” in question is texting, eating food ( a fiber one bar) and looking worried backstage maybe that is also a sign that the line is an utter disaster. All was not lost however, this show did made us nostalgic for LC’s taste level at least, too bad her line also went out of business. That’s “entertainment fashion” for you!

Whitney Port with friend Roxy Olin.

Posted under: Fashion

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