Blake Griffin ……. Blake Griffin’s STYLE is a SLAM DUNK!
June 30th, 2011 by Hotel Fashionland received 2 Comments »Hopefully the NBA will revise their list and look at a TRUE STYLE STAR by the name of Blake Griffin.
At 22 Blake’s style choices have been tasteful and strong. D-Wade who’s much older dresses much younger and Blake’s style is more classic based but at the same time very modern. Great silhouettes and color choices make Blake stand out and show off his best features. Here are some of Blake’s best looks.
Blake will soon be on the every BEST DRESSED list. Just remember we told you FIRST!
Tags: Blake Griffin's STYLE is a SLAM DUNK!
Posted under: Blake Griffin, Celebrity
yuck…completely disagree Blake blah, NO MATTER WHAT HE WEARS HE REMINDS ME OF CARROT TOP
D-WADE IS firdt …a good looking dude and he doesn’t have to style he is!