Willow Smith an AMERICAN ICON????? According to VOGUE she is!

July 6th, 2011 by Hotel Fashionland received 1 Comment »

Sorry but Vogue got it totally WRONG. According to Emily Holt of American Vogue, “American style is somewhat similar to the Supreme Court’s ruling on obscenity: difficult to define, but you know it when you see it.” Vogue then asked top American designers to tell them whom they consider to be the new icons of American style and on this uneven (SAD) list was one Willow Smith. Say what????

Designer Derek Lam said of Willow Smith’s style…. “Naturally talented, charismatic, unblemished optimism, with the whole wide world open to her possibilities and abilities. I think she is the future-forward American icon.” Huh Derek???? Ok this is where we stop with American Vogue and these types of “lists”. First of all….. Willow does not even dress herself!!! Where do they think Willow get’s her ”get the look” “market editorial” style from?

It’s very well known that Willow has a well paid TEAM of stylists that DRESS her. Secondly, Vogue picked photo of Willow from the Teen Choice Awards but they seemed to ignore how she looks the other 99.9 percent of the time which is like your typically over-styled “child of a celebrity”. 

Bottom line Willow can’t dress and she does not have anything close to style and most of all she’s not any “Icon”. VOGUE just lost some cool points printing this list. Tell us what you think of Willow Smith’s “style” and if you see her as an AMERICAN ICON? We sure don’t! Here is a collection of some of Willow’s “looks” over the last few months…. Icon? HARDLY!


Posted under: WILLOW SMITH

One Response to “Willow Smith an AMERICAN ICON????? According to VOGUE she is!”

  1. archimedes says:

    That little girl looks like those barbie dolls that girls get and then take clothes off of other barbies and just put together everything to make some kind of demented mash up. style is not about how many labels you can pile on, its about hot much swag you can put into whatever you put on. Vogue lists like that are why magazines are on the way out.

    Ipad bitches!!