The Beaver Cannes-Premiere

May 17th, 2011 by Hotel Fashionland received 3 Comments »

Bar Refaeli – We don’t know who she’s wearing but WE DO know what HOT IS!

… Dunno what to say about Doutzen Kroes, LOL

Jodie Foster and MEL.  Well, there’s a lot we could say… but we’ll leave that up to YOU!

Posted under: Fashion

3 Responses to “The Beaver Cannes-Premiere”

  1. Flynn says:

    No matter what he says it didn’t stop the stars from showing up

  2. HFL Staff says:

    That’s one way of looking at it… but what about what he DOES? They’re also the stars from his movie…

  3. Brandy N says:

    Everybody knows what he does. I think the point is people still show up. If HFL doesn’t believe that then maybe they should’ve included a pic of the sea of photographers lined up to snap him…