March 13th, 2009 by Hotel Fashionland received 2 Comments »Wealth of the Mind not the Pocket
We here at Fashionland like to give people the credit that they so richly deserve.
These days innovation and hip hop tend to be mutually exclusive terms. I mean why do you think Kanye did not even bother to make a Hip Hop cd this year? Closed minds often result in poor music and sometimes in an uneventful life. Pharrell however is one of the few people in music today that does not allow limitation to cloud his thinking or his creative process. From his distinctive production to his rock band N.E.R.D. Â P keeps it 3000 with his mind on what’s NEXT. Before there was Kanye West Pharrell crossed over his innovation to Louis Vuitton and working with the elusive Nigo on his very own line which to this day is extremely successful and hip.
Our minds can change our world and there is no better example to that way of thinking than Pharrell Williams. Wealth of the mind is truly a beautiful thing.
Tags: PHARRELL WILLIAMS, Prince Williams
Posted under: PHARRELL WILLIAMS, Prince Williams
Nice Site layout for your blog. I am looking forward to reading more from you.
Tom Humes
Hi Tom,
Thank you very much – we are trying.