Hired Killers

June 30th, 2011 by Hotel Fashionland received 2 Comments »

Looks like Macy’s will present very soon a line of rock n’roll duds… Andrew Charles.  One of the principles is Andy Hilfiger – The R & R, Hip Hop, Heavy Metal Lovin’ Brother of Tommy and the other a Crazy Mad like a FIX, I mean FOX true American rock n’ roll ”IDOL” you be the ”Judge” who that could be.  Last night was the Debut of HIRED KILLERS.  Above:  “Rock & Roll Circus” Mick, 36×48 from “The Smoking Series: by Michael Houghton.

Michael H of “Hired Killers” and Andy Hilfiger. Below: James D Adamo, Designer Carlos Campos with Hilfiger.

Above:  Bob Dylan “FLOWERS”, 36 x 48 From “The Smoking Series” by Michael Houghton.



Posted under: NY Night Clubbing

2 Responses to “Hired Killers”

  1. stevo says:


  2. Hired Killers, Inc absolutely ROCKED!
    We were in rock and roll boogie woogie heaven!